Sunday, April 29, 2007

African Sunsets

I have to admit that I am blown away by Africa. The sunsets and stars are more vibrant than anything I have ever seen before! I can't understand how these things would be so much more vibrant here than any other place in the world that I have been, but there it is!

Mostly, for these first few days, I am on the base camp and helping to get ready for the classes that are starting soon. The rest of the missionary students arrive tomorrow. The work here is hard, long, and dusty but so beautiful. We are sleeping in tents but there is one building and that is where we are going to have classes. Here is a pic of the building.

We have a generator that makes electricity for a couple of hours a night so I can sometimes use the computer. That is such an amazing thing:) Technology connecting the world.

The people here are beautiful. Not invasive. By that I mean that they are not aggressive and they are extremely polite. There is such poverty here and there's a lot of work to be done.

I have met many organizations down here that are doing so much! I think I will make some life-long connections over these next few months.

We are on a wildlife conserve so there are baboons, elephants, and many other animals. I am right next, and I mean right next, to the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls. It has kept it from getting too hot but it is going to be very cold here soon though.

I went to church on Sunday. I was blown away! What a message! And the dancing:) Click on the pic below and watch a quick video. It was so much fun watching people praise the Lord in their own way!

God is showing Himself so strong here. I am so excited about the things He is showing me here. This is the first time in a long time that I have not been in charge. I am excited and nervous all at the same time.

Thanks again for all your love and support! I can't tell you how much it means to me! I really don't think I would be here without it.