Saturday, August 25, 2007

1 Corinthians 4:1

“Let a man consider us so, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God” 1 Corinthians 4:1

I recently read this scripture and my mind starting reeling.

This is my thought: It can not me compassion that moves us. That fuel is not enough. It will, by its very nature, only take us so far.

No, the human DNA, the history of our heritage, is the story that transcends all boundaries. It passes all social, economic, political, and foundational boundaries. This pushes through all stereotypes and common ground whether shared ground or not.

The human DNA, the story of time eternal, the basic and the intricate make up of the Human Epic. The Gospel of Christ. With this gospel all the story is known.

No, compassion is not enough of a fuel to push us to make a difference. The child with a hallowed out frame who is greeting a death of starvation with fear is his eyes is pitiful. A country where entire communities have been swallowed up by an earthquake or washed out to sea is hideous. But just the emotions created by that are not enough to push us into making a difference. They can only take us so far. With this as the only source of fire we are bound to get burned out.

It is a matter of focus. If we are pushing to stop something that can never be stopped, like war, poverty, or natural disaster, we are fighting a loosing battle.

If our focus is love, the greatest and most restoring love ever known, than how can we ever grow weary! How can we not go forward to share this good news with this lost world?

That child needs food but only accompanied by the love that will change the face of his nation. The destruction reaped by national disaster can only be alleviated by the grace that’s knows and understand restoration and the true purpose for life.

Every culture around the world has a view of a deity that inspired, creates, and restricts their universe. Our God, and how we view Him, will always influence our quality of life. A loving, grace-filled and compassionate God will inspire the same compassionate, desperate and passionate love within us.

So that a man may consider us servants of Christ and as stewards of the mysteries of the gospel.

The gospel is not a mystery in the traditional sense. It is so simple and beautiful; the mystery is how God could be so good.

We are stewards of this. We must be creative and determined to be the stewards of this information. To be a steward means that this doesn’t belong to us, we are simply keeping it until we can get it to the owner. God came so that all could know Him and be known by Him.

Compassion is not enough. We must be motivated by the love we are known by. We must be motivated by a love that will actually make a difference. We must be loved and we must love!